Welcome to the new forum [Uncategorized] (2)
Demo Released and Kickstarter Launched | Call of Combat [Blog Posts] (9)
Linking accounts [Uncategorized] (2)
Something to play while waiting for CoCV2? [Friendly Pub] (9)
Call of Combat v1: Nostalgia Thread [Old Call of Combat] (7)
Chain of command [Uncategorized] (2)
Screenshots | Call of Combat [Blog Posts] (57)
7th [Regiments] (25)
Open Alpha | Call of Combat [Blog Posts] (71)
What's coming next | Call of Combat [Blog Posts] (22)
Old times sake [Old Call of Combat] (15)
CoC Reddit [Suggestions] (5)
UBG: v2 [Regiments] (82)
New Improved AGs? [Suggestions] (12)
Crowd-funding and Game-playing | Call of Combat [Blog Posts] (31)
Can I run it? [Call of Combat] (3)
Can we atleast know the target date for the game? [Call of Combat] (5)
Will I be able to give my guys sweet staches? [Call of Combat] (3)
KFG: Reloaded [Regiments] (102)
Poll: Do you have a Steam account? [Call of Combat] (35)
Achievement unlocked: First playtests are a success | Call of Combat [Blog Posts] (33)
'This is you' feature at the end of a battle [Call of Combat] (28)
Finding your old AGs [Regiments] (5)
Rfa [Regiments] (60)
Presence of Authority [Call of Combat] (41)
Donation [Call of Combat] (7)
AG ownage the good old days on COC [Call of Combat] (13)
BiA [Regiments] (14)
Community Propaganda Posters (Alpha Testers no longer wanted) [Call of Combat] (84)
When a Plan Comes Together | Call of Combat [Blog Posts] (46)