New forum

Hello, we'd like to let you know that in the coming week will be migrating to a more modern forum system based on

This should be rather painless and will greatly improve how we all communicate with each other.


Florian's picture

This will be a first step in a gradual transformation of the site to a new system and new design. The new site will help us host the game and community in the future :).
Ryan's picture

I'm too simple and/or lack the time to look discourse up, could somebody explain how it's a step above what we have now and where it fits in the grand scheme of things presently and down the road?

As an aside, for those that do not read or visit the forums, please give the following a read:
(I expect a blog post will be written, but here's just incase!)


It's gonna be more practical for us to manage, and we believe Discourse has a generally more pleasant way of presenting discussion, categories.
How this fits the grand scheme? We can't possibly spoil the surprise just now :)
Dragon Blood's picture

The grand scheme of things eh? I am betting my money on you guys using it make it look better and less mouse clicking in general...

I wonder if there are going to be contests involved with this new forum of yours.