Game update with a brand new map

As promised yesterday on Kickstarter, here is an update bringing in a brand new map. It's a smaller area that is well suited for 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 games. We have called it Village Centre.

Also, we've just implemented the ability to pick up weapons, ammo and grenades from those unfortunate soldiers that gave their life on the battlefield.

And here is the traditional list of tweaks and bug fixes:

  • You will now see the action as soon as you join a game
  • Fixed a couple of animation bugs
  • "NaN" issue while aiming should not happen anymore
  • Being in prone position hides your soldier better now
  • Being prone behind a window or wall now properly protects your soldier from explosions
  • Added extra information about suppression in the hints screen
  • Fixed a bug that caused grenades to stun through walls at certain occasions
  • Slightly tweaked suppression
  • Fixed a bunch of shader issues
  • Added extra information about suppression in the hints screen

We've also made a video to show that we are real humans, not robots

Finally, we'd like to hear your feedback on what to work on next. Would you like even more maps? Or an integrated chain of command system? Or perhaps a chat for in the lobby? Please join the discussion on our forum.